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Cyber Glossary

Access Point

A device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi or other wireless protocols. It acts as a bridge between the wireless devices (like laptops, smartphones, and tablets) and the wired network, typically connecting to a router or switch.


Devices or components that enable compatibility between different systems, devices, or formats.

Advanced Threat Protection

A set of security solutions designed to protect an organization’s network, data, and systems from sophisticated cyber threats that are often not detectable by traditional security measures.


A step-by-step procedure or a set of rules designed to perform a specific task or solve a particular problem. It is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions that, when followed, lead to the desired outcome.


Various techniques, tools, and methodologies to transform raw data into actionable insights that can inform decision-making processes.

Anti Virus

A software program designed to detect, prevent, and remove malicious software, commonly known as malware, from computers and other devices.

Artificial Intelligence

The simulation of human intelligence in machines that are designed to think, learn, and perform tasks that typically require human cognitive functions.


Streamlining tasks to be done automatically, allowing the computer to learn human tasks


Refers to the use of unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial features, or voice patterns, for identifying and verifying individuals.


A decentralized, distributed ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers in a secure, transparent, and immutable way.


An error or flaw in a software program or system that causes it to produce incorrect or unexpected results or behave in unintended ways.


A unit of digital information typically consisting of 8 bits.


A high-level programming language known for its performance and use in system/software development.


A small, fast storage area that holds frequently accessed data to speed up processing.

Central Processing Unit

The main component of a computer that performs most of the processing tasks.

Chat GBT

A conversational AI model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on input.

Closed Source

Software with proprietary code that is not available for modification or distribution.

Cloud Computing

The delivery of computing services (like storage and processing) over the internet.

Co-Managed IT

IT services model where an internal team and an external provider share responsibilities.


Small data files stored on a user’s device by a website to track activity and preferences.

Crowd Sourcing

Obtaining input or services from a large group of people, typically via the internet.

Customer Relationship Management

Software that helps manage interactions with current and potential customers.


An attempt to damage or disrupt a computer system or network.


The practices, technologies, and processes designed to protect computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, damage, or theft.

Dark Web

Part of the internet not indexed by search engines, accessible only through specific software.

Data Breach

Unauthorized access to or disclosure of sensitive data.

Data Mining

The process of analyzing large datasets to identify patterns or extract useful information.

DDoS Attack

Distributed Denial of Service attack, which floods a system with traffic to overwhelm and disrupt it.


The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in software code.

Disaster Recovery

Strategies and processes to restore IT systems and data after a disaster.


A distinct subset of the internet with a specific address or name (e.g.,


Integrating one type of data or content within another (e.g., embedding a video in a webpage).


The process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.


A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.


A device that connects different networks and manages data traffic between them.

Graphics Card

Hardware responsible for rendering images and videos to a display.


The physical components of a computer system.

Help desk

A support service that assists users with technical issues and problems.

Internet of things (IoT)

The network of physical devices connected to the internet and capable of exchanging data.

IP address

A unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a network.

IT Governance

Frameworks and processes for managing and controlling IT resources and systems.

IT Management

The design, delivery, management, and improvement of IT services within an organization. The goal of ITSM is to ensure that IT services are aligned with the needs of the business and delivered efficiently and effectively.


A versatile, object-oriented programming language used for building applications.


The core part of an operating system that manages system resources and hardware communication.


An open-source operating system known for its stability and flexibility.

Local area network (LAN)

A network that connects devices within a limited area, like a home or office.

Machine learning

A subset of AI that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without explicit programming.


Malicious software designed to harm or exploit computer systems.

Managed Service Provider

A company that provides IT services and support to businesses on a contractual basis.


Data that provides information about other data, such as file size, format, or creation date.

Network administration

The management and maintenance of computer networks to ensure they operate efficiently.

Open source

Software with source code that is publicly available for modification and distribution.

Operating system

Software that manages a computer’s hardware and provides a platform for running applications. It handles tasks such as managing memory, processing input and output, and controlling peripheral devices, enabling users and programs to interact with the hardware efficiently.

Password Management

The process of creating, storing, and managing passwords securely.


A software update that fixes bugs or vulnerabilities.


A cyber attack where attackers deceive individuals into revealing personal information.


A type of volatile memory used for temporarily storing data that is actively being used.


Malware that encrypts a user’s data and demands a ransom for decryption.

Raspberry Pi

A small, affordable computer used for educational purposes and DIY projects.


A device that forwards data packets between computer networks.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Techniques used to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results.

Social engineering

Manipulative tactics used to deceive individuals into divulging confidential information.


Programs and operating systems that run on a computer.


The act of disguising as a legitimate source to deceive others, often to gain unauthorized access.


Malicious software that secretly monitors and collects user information.

Threat detection

The process of identifying potential security threats to a system or network.


The address used to access resources on the internet.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A service that encrypts internet traffic and hides the user’s IP address.

VoIP Services

Technologies that enable voice communication over the internet.

Web browser

Software used to access and navigate websites on the internet.