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The Role of AI in Business

AI has been shown to be very useful in multiple facets of a business. According to a poll conducted by the Bipartisan Policy Center, 83% of small business owners would agree that using AI has helped their success.

Just a few ways artificial intelligence can help YOU grow and improve your business:

  • Personalized SEO strategies
  • Business automation solutions
  • Performance tracking and data analysis
  • Creating effective marketing strategies
  • Virtual assistants, chatbots and other customer relationship management tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The use of SEO helps to ensure that your digital content appears in searches. The most optimized websites are the first ones that come up in a google search. Using key words and other strategies help you increase your website traffic. Lucky for you, there are many AI platforms that help you in the process.

We recommend: SemRush

Image of SemRush logo

SemRush offers keyword research, competitive research, link building and technical SEO strategies- known as their SEO Toolkit


Sometimes tedious tasks can be time consuming. Instead of boring yourself with repetitive tasks, use AI tools to do it for you automatically. Automation AI tools allow you to automate things such as automatic email responses. While it seems like they are simple tasks, eliminating them can allow you to complete other tasks and save time.

We recommend: Zapier

Image of Zapier's logo

Zapier allows business owners to automate tasks while connecting your services with applications. It is designed with easy navigation for all experience levels.

Data Analysis

Data analytics allow businesses to understand how their content is performing amongst consumers. From there, they are able to determine who, where and when their demographic is engaging. While continuously tracking and analyzing data, they are able to tweak business and marketing strategies to perfectly align with their customer base’s preferences.

We recommend: AnswerRocket

AnswerRocket's logo

AnswerRocket offers a variety of services to aid business owners in their data analytics efforts. Users can automatically run data for detailed reports that allow them to plan for future actions.


Through personalization algorithms to boost marketing efforts, creating effective campaigns, content creation and more, AI helps to speed up the process with detailed suggestions. Marketing professionals and other small business owners can use AI marketing tools for creative inspiration and ideas that have been proven to be effective.

We recommend: WordHero

WordHero's logo and some of their services including copywriting, caption and post ideas, etc.

WordHero is a great tool for business owners to check their work, get ideas and improve content based on AI suggestions. The software provides tons of more tools for marketing.

Customer service

Save time and increase customer satisfaction at the same time! Artificial intelligence has the ability to interact with consumers. This can include chatbot applications that enhance customer service, customer relationship management with AI integration and virtual assistants for business efficiency.

We recommend: Aisera 

Aisera, "Best Generative AI apps & platform"

Aisera is an AI customer service platform that allows business owners to delegate tasks to AI in which the AI can respond to questions and requests. The AI specifically uses human language to seem more personal and boost customer satisfaction.

Case Study

One well known case study is a study conducted by UPS. They were able to implement an AI system called ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation). Inventory management systems powered by artificial intelligence allow them to improve efficiency and performance by optimizing delivery routes. The AI was able to recognize driving patterns, weather conditions, and other circumstances that may hinder a driver from successfully completing their route. The system would then adjust the route accordingly.


As technology and artificial intelligence continue to grow exponentially, it is important for business owners to stay up to date with the newest innovations to simplify their tasks and create a better business strategy overall. SemRush, Zapier, AnswerRocket, WordHero and Aisera are just some of the many AI tools currently being offered to aid in multiple different areas.

At ETS IT Solutions, we value our clients and continue to educate ourselves in the world of tech and AI in order to provide the best services to them.

Contact us today (631)780-5467 to learn more about our IT and cyber security services.

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