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Explore Our Managed

IT Service Packages

Choose Which Option Best Suites Your Business

Tier One- Basic

Starting at $650 per month

Tier two- Advanced Protection

Starting at $1,500 per month

Tier Three- Cybersecurity

Starts at $2,250

How Does It Work?

1. Introduce ourselves to your staff, explain different ways to request support and how to efficiently report their issues.

2. We load a small lightweight application on to each computer.

3. The application starts a direct communication with our office. Our app starts sending hardware data for technicians to analyze and organize.

4. Review organized data and come up with best practices to maintain infrastructure

5. Create a company file that will include all the information you provide so we can work without interrupting staff and after hours to not disrupt productivity.

6. Each desktop and laptop are tuned up, cleaned, and optimized to be prepared for outsourced management & maintenance.

7. Configure a special automation sequence customized to your correspond with your company’s schedule.

8. We standby for staff inquiries and system alerts via text, email, phone, or support tickets